I was visiting my daily favs and was floored when I seen my name on Chloe's blog. Then I was like... is that me and so i clicked on it and it was! Sweetness since she is like ridiculously talented!
Thanks so much Chloe!
The rules are:
1. The winner may put the logo on their blog.
2. Put a link to the person who sent you the award.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to their blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.
I just gotta send this out to my Loonie Ladies... I learn something from them everyday!
I am not going to leave a message for them... I'll see how long it takes for them to find it! LOL
Congrats Dee!!!
Well deserved!
Found it! You are the bestest Dee...Thank you so much! {{{Hugs}}} to you!!
You are so sweet! And it is I who learn from you pro's! Thanks love!
Very cool girl!
Teehee, I know right, is so much more fun to suprise peeps!
awwww...thanks, Dee! Back at you! (and OMG, I'm sitting here with a head cold and the security verification code is snesse...sorta close to sneeze, don't 'cha think?!? LOL)
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