Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Copics & Bella!

Well I must say I haven't assembled my cards from the bella class yet but it is only because all I want to do is color!

So fun... I picked up this image while I was there so I thought I would play in their hWeekly Sketch Challenge !

Life is a Party!

Can't wait to color more!
Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Cute card!! Nice coloring job lol!!

Anonymous said...

OMGoodnes, SO fun! Your coloring ROCKS!

(-: Heidi

chloe said...

This is Fab!!! Love the coloring girl!

Regan said...

love love love!

Ann said...


Rosanne said...

OH, I'm liking this! Great colouring!

Rosanne said...

And check out my blog for a surprise!

Anonymous said...

Wow, such amazing coloring!

Marissa said...

Life is a party!!! You go GIRL!!! Love the card!!!

Carolyn Wolff said...

Very nice....and love that image.

Avril Tanner said...

This is adorable!

maria fiscella said...

I can't wait for you to color more! Put those Bella cards together...puhleeze?!?

Joanne said...

Wow! Fabulous image and fantastic coloring!