Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Year All!

Hello All and Happy New Year!

We had a fantastic evening last night with some good friends, food, drinks and games! My throat is raw and my stomach is sore from laughing... it is a good kinda pain!

Well last year was pretty crazy for our family... frankly I can't believe it is over actually. It seemed like it would never end. It was definitely a year of anticipation mixed with fear and excitement!

We just had our daughter and she was a challenging newborn. The women that took care of my Jackson for 5 years was moving away. We moved from our house of 10 years (our first home and the home we brought both our children home too) only to a street away but still very emotional!

Jackson started school full time, Abby began her new daycare and I went back to work knowing there would be no more maternity leaves in my future!

Thinking about 2012 as we settle into our new home, I have decided to choose a word for this year... Pause.

I want to remember to pause before each decision and make sure that what I am saying yes too is purposeful... for me, and my family.

Here's to a great year! :)



JanR said...

Happy New Year, girl!

Charlene Austin said...

That is an amazing word, my friend! Here's to a wonderful 2012.

Now I just need to continue making my word, Simplify, work for me.

Happy New Year.

Tammy said...

Happy New Year Dee!! Definitely a great word to live by . . . followed by "and appreciate life"!
Hope you don't pause too much from your crafty greatness!

Rosanne said...

Great word! You did have a challenging 2011!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!! What a great word!

farmhouse-story said...

when you wake up with everything you thanked god for yesterday...i think you already pause, dee:) happy new year!

Unknown said...

Excellent word, we could all use a little of bit of that.

Joanne said...

It was certainly a busy year for you! Love your word - we should all pause more often!
Joanne xo

Carolyn Wolff said...

You did live a whirlwind in 2011! I hope that 2012 is everything your are hoping for.

My word for 2012 is 'enjoy'. Rather than just going through the motions, I want to take the time to enjoy everything I love.

Avril Tanner said...

Love the word you chose for this year... I think in some way it can apply to all of us! I wish you and your family only the best in the coming year!

Judy Beeksma said...

Happy New Year Deanna...Make it a great one!!!