Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Little Red Wagon - Dry Embossing!

Carolyn is having us dry emboss some paper this week! LOVE IT!

This is my new PTI embossing plate... jury is still out. I need to use it a few more times.
In the mean time, head over to Little Red Wagon to check out the DT samples and play along!


Regan said...

I agree jury is out on those plates

Avril Tanner said...

The card is so very very cute! I love the butterfly... but too bad with the plates... I was kina excited about them...

Rosemary said...

Nice colour combo

craftykat said...

I like the combination of colors, I'm slowly but surely falling for the turquoise color, as well as butterflies. Was that a punch or a die that you used for the butterfly? That's too bad that you don't sound completly enthused about the embossing plate though...

Unknown said...

what a pretty card!

Carolyn Wolff said...

Very pretty Dee! Just like you :)!

Rosanne said...

Terrific card! The embossing looks good, what is the concern with the plates?

Anonymous said...

Adorable card!! I haven't tried those plates.....keep us posted lol!! how are you feeling?

Ann said...

I think your card is really sweet and that embossing looks great. Do you not like the plates in general, or aren't sure about this particular one? Are you using them with a Cuttlebug? Are they thin? I got a thin 2-sided one from SU and am struggling to get the sandwiching right in my C'bug. Good luck with yours.

Anonymous said...

You had me at aqua and orange! This is gorgeous!

(-: Heidi

Julie-Ann Wells (Jewels) said...

I so love that!!! What is the butterfly from?

Joanne said...

LOVE the color combination! Great card!