Tuesday, November 24, 2009

2SF's Challenge!

This is a card I made on the weekend for the 2SF's online crop! Laura's challenge was to use felt and twine! LOVE IT!
I used some old basic grey ornament stickers to lay over the felt and cut it out! Then I just pullled that ugly sticker off... lol!


Avril Tanner said...

I love it! what a great challenge... I love the twine with the felt!

Anonymous said...

Too cute! What a great combination of textures!

(-: Heidi

Regan said...

love it Dee!!!

Tracey said...

This is fabulous Dee!!

Create Fabulous said...

great idea (and a good use for ugly stickers) lol! love the card...as always!

Kay said...

Ha! I know just the ugly stickers you mean :) I have some of them too and you just gave me a great idea of how to use them - thanks!!