Sunday, January 24, 2010

Papertrey Day!

So I thought I would show you what it is like when my PTI box gets here... I am sure Nicole thinks I have a store here in Ontario that I order for but really it is just a group of amazing women with great taste!!

So about a week after $1000 hits my credit card the box finally comes! My hubby had to come with me this time to carry the box out. Yikes, not sure I will be able to suck him in again. lol

The box unpacking...

All the stamps together...

All the paper together...

And then the misc ribbon, ink, twine, etc...

I love this new bench in my hall way to sort on... I was using the floor in the basement but too much bending and carrying...

Then (3 hours later) when all is sorted, I send out the email to the vultures, ahem I mean ladies... lol...

I would show you the spreadsheet I used to calculate the totals, shipping, duty, blah but I was afraid to loose readers... hahaha!

Now to play!


Anonymous said...


Avril Tanner said...

Holy Cow! it does look like you own a store!!! LOL! And yes... I too would describe us as vultures where PTI goes anyway!!!

Tracey said...

WOW! That is a lot of PTI goodness!!

Kate's Life said...

WOWZERS!! At first I thought this was all YOURS!!! Looks like a lot of scrappy good fun!!!

Beeceecreativity said...

this is too funny.. TFS .. look forward to see what you make now.

Rosanne said...

That is a lot of PTI! Thanks so much to you and Regan for coordinating the orders for us,it looks like a lot of work!

Regan said...

lmao......sorry i wasnt there to help sort...thank GOD there were no buttons eh???

Marissa said...

I love it!!! I seriously LOVE the photos. You in organization mode is beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

Where were you when I lived in Ontario temporarily needing a great group like you have? Oh the fun I missed out on! so fun! Joyce

Maria Fiscella said...

All I can say is holy crap.

Julie-Ann Wells (Jewels) said...

HOly Crap!!! (Love the shelve you have everything laying on)

Jeannie said...

Can't wait to get my stuff! You're awesome for coordinating all this ... and thanks to Rosanne too! j

Steph said...

WOW. I thought Char placed big orders. I guess you have the eastern Canada operation and she has the western...ha ha. How fun it must be to dive into all that goodness!

Charlene Austin said...

LOL---Steph is too funny. All I can say is....YUMMY!

Anonymous said...

WTF??? (but how Reg says it)...How much of it was yours and Reg's? That is amazing...the order isn't like that every month is it?