Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Little Red Wagon - Mists!

Avril is thinking Mists this week!


I used a yellow glimmer mist and then an orange maya mist on the white cardstock and then the chocolate maya mist on the ribbon.
Also, I used Papertrey cardstock and American Crafts thickers.

Head on over to Little Red Wagon to check out the DT work and play along!



Regan said...

that is coooool!

Joanne said...

I am loving all the misting!
Joanne xo

Rosanne said...

I like it!

Anonymous said...

Simple and suh-weet!

(-: Heidi

farmhouse-story said...

love this, dee!

Carolyn Wolff said...


Deborah Frings said...

So very clean and simple. Love the colours you've sprayed on. That srunchy ribbon is fab!

Unknown said...

I love a simple card. Classic.