Friday, July 31, 2009

Loonie Stampers Challenge # 51 - Happy B-day Regs!

Yay, it is Regs birfday today! Come now let me here ya sing!
Char is the host and asked us to make her a b-day card... easy peasy lemon squeezy!
BTW... I may have topped last years gift of copics... this year I am giving her a Scrapbook Trends Subscription!

Let's hop!
Special Guests! I am super excited!


Avril Tanner said...

Love the card! Absolutely adorable! Enjoy your holiday!!!

Regan said...

ahhhh. i love you

you guys are too much!!

Deb Rymer said...

Aren't you clever?! Now, that is one cute chickie. Thanks for asking me to play along - it was fun being a Loonie... :)

Maile Belles said...

This is adorable!!! What an awesome idea for the bird, he is so cute! I love the layout too.

Rosanne said...

This is gorgeous Dee! Btw how do I get on your birthday gift list?

Donelda said...

wow, great idea to put the flower in there!! What fun :-)

Ann said...

Eeee!!! Your flower chickie is brilliant! SO cute!

Anonymous said...

Awesome card!!!! Love the bird!!! I made her one too!

Angie Tieman said...

Ooooh, this is fantastic!! I love the crochet flower bird!

Steph said...

Awesome! Love how you used the flower and that In Bloom paper is a new favourite of mine. I tried to make my own with my card.

maria fiscella said...

Oh aren't we the creative one?!? lol Love how you used one of the flowers instead of a button...and Regs had better like that gift!!!

Tracey said...

Girl, this card rocks like Phil Collins! ;) It's gorgeous!!

Kate's Life said...

Awesome gift and an equally awesome card!!!

AKiteFlier said...

Freakin adorable Dee - love that crocheted flower as the "center" - so so cute. Regan is one lucky girl to have such fab friends. Thanks for inviting me to play along this week :-)

Julie-Ann Wells (Jewels) said...

Oh My! That is so cute. I never thought of using a flower for the birdie! Great Idea

Cheryl said...

LOVE the flower birdie! The colors are great, too.

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness, how totally ca-ute! Fab colors and I ♥adore♥ that flower bird!!

(-: Heidi

thescrapmaster said...

Neat idea with the flower as the bird!!
SPCC Creator - Come play at SPCC!

Ashley Cannon Newell said...

Love how you used the crocheted flower for the bird's body!

It was fun to play along with you loonies!

Anonymous said...

Hello Dee,
I've been a follower of your blog for quite some time and since I "earned" a blog award, I thought I'd forward it to you :)

Hope you have a great day!

Anonymous said...

God, I just realized I haven't commented on anyone's card yet, what a ho am I! I think yours is my fave but don't tell the others!

Charlene Austin said...

Tell Wendy I saw that. What a ho she is. Your card truly is great and wow....nice gift for Regs!!