Saturday, July 04, 2009

Piling on the Challenges!

So I combined a few challenges that I thought went together nicely for this weeks Pile It On!
I love doing this cause it helps me to make something I would never normally come up with!
Not to mention... I use lots of stuff!
I used the following challenges...
Thanks Suz
Stuff... Cardstock - Papertrey Ink, Pattern Paper - Lemonade Basic Grey, Button, Stamps & Ink - Papertrey Ink, Thickers - American Crafts, Cherry Die - QuicKutz!


Unknown said...

L♥VE l♥ve L♥ve this card Deanna!!!!!
way to rock the BG Lemonade, and I just ADORE your creative cherry embellishment... seriously cute, cute, cute!!!
Thanks for playing along with this week's Use It! challenge!!

Vickilyn said...

This is GORGEOUS!! I agree with everything Rae said!

Thanks for playing with us at PILE IT ON!!


Ann said...

Super cute, Dee! Love the cherries!

Tracey said...

Okay, this is freakin' adorable Dee!! I love your cherries - and no, that is not me getting flirty with ya!! ;)

Heather said...

Fabulous card Dee!!!!!

A Soldier Girl said...

Girl your cards are always so good I love these WOW ... been on your blog scoopin the fabulosity you rockin over here

Happy 4th boo


Anonymous said...

ok those cherries are the sweetest thing I have seen so far!

Thanks for Playing with us!

-- dalis DTC for Pile It On!

Rosanne said...

Love the button cherries, they mimic the paper beautifully!
Awesome card Dee!

maria fiscella said...

This is so stinkin' cute, Dee! Love how you stacked the buttons:)

Unknown said...

~~*CUTE*~~*CUTE*~~CUTE*~~ Card!! I love the button cherries!!

Unknown said...

such a fun car - love the colours and all the techniques!

Anonymous said...

you are so sweet kim thanks for the comment!

-- dalis

Heather said...

I have given your blog an award on my blog. Drop by and check it out:

Angie Tieman said...

Total cuteness, girl!! I almost bought that paper yesterday, but bought a different stack...think I may have to go back now! hee! hee!

raindropecho said...

I love what you've done with the cherries! Can't wait to work with you at PIO!

~amy~ said...

a-dorable....tooooooo SWEET!

Anonymous said...

Yum!!! I love cherries in general and THIS card specifically! Gorgeous!

(-: Heidi

Joke said...

Wow, I love this card. Thank you for making my challenge.
I love everything on this card, the papers and the beautiful cherries, the colours and of course the stitching. Great job!

MelissaS said...

what a great use of buttons for the cherries! I love this cute card :)

Regan said...


craftypagan said...

Love it! I love how you've done the cherries-super cute! Look forward to working with you! Love Rowena

Joanne said...

Totally cute my friend! I love the button cherry embellishment!

Steph said...

GREAT CARD! Those cherries are amazing.