Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Little Red Wagon - Felt!

Such an awesome challenge posted by Carolyn!
I should have made a dozen or 2 of these cards as I have been pretty sick lately with a flu I can't shake. I thank everyone for their wishes and support, love you guys.
I hope everyone has a chance to play this week... felt is so fun!

Little Red Wagon


Tracey said...

So cute!! Love this Dee! Hope you're feeling better soon. The flu sucks!

Unknown said...

such a sweet card, love the little snail!

Carolyn Wolff said...

Very cute card! So sorry you are feeling blue! Hugs to you and I hope you are feeling better soon.

Regan said...

so sweet!!

Anonymous said...

Here you are!!! Was worried! Are you feeling better? Such a sweet card! Hugs, char

Avril Tanner said...

This is just adorable... Hope you feel better soon!

Rosanne said...

Really cute!Hope you shake that flu soon!

Joanne said...

Your card is adorable! Hope you're feeling better soon. {hugs}
Joanne xo

Jen said...

sorry you're not well...i've missed your creative juices!:) great card...get well soon my friend!

Angie Tieman said...

This is SOOO cute! Hope you are feeling better soon!

Charlene Austin said...

Stop the cuteness!!!! OMG that little snail is to die for.

Courtney Baker said...

So cute! I actually have that little guy too. I so need to use it!

Bobbi-Lynn said...

Oh my too cute!!! Love this card and the little critter

Ann said...

Your little felt snail is absolutely adorable! Hope you're feeling better soon - sucks to be sick.

P.S. Someone could be glad that they are "late" - and you'd need to be making a cute baby card for them! LOL! Take care!

farmhouse-story said...

feel better soon, dee-cute card-love the goggly eye!

Audrey said...

Very cute card Dee Love the snail. I know how you are feeling as I have it too.

Anonymous said...

So stinkin' cute! I love that snail!

Feel better soon!

(-: Heidi

Paula said...

This card is so cute! I love it.

Anonymous said...

Oh my. Oh my. Oh my. I love this card! j