Monday, June 21, 2010

2SF's Friendzy Friday!

Welcome... I received a lot feedback on my Zipper Card card... so I thought I would try another!

I decided to try a different type of flower with the zipper. I started by snipping the ends and threading my needle...

Then I began threading...

Until I had the entire zipper threaded...

Then tighten and tie...

It made such a cute little puff of a flower...

Have you tried anything with zippers? We would love to see it!



Ashley Cannon Newell said...

SUPER DUPER great, Dee! :)

Anonymous said...

Very cool!!! And creative too :-)

Rosanne said...

Sooo creative! Love it!

Avril Tanner said...

Such a great idea with the zipper flower! Looks great!

Kate's Life said...

Really cool card Dee!!!

Charlene Austin said...

You know.....I saw a big bag of zippers at the thrift store not too long ago. If they are still there when I go back do you want me to get them for you??

Steph said...


Angie Tieman said...

Oooh, that's a cutie too! Love it!!

farmhouse-story said...

cute!-very clever:)

Anonymous said...


In fact, I have been playing with zippers! got a few things picked up for pubs and a tutorial in this month's GCD studios newsletter, but have yet to get a zipper project posted on my blog.

Yours is totally different from anything I've done yet...might have to give this tech a try!!

(-: Heidi

Anonymous said...

I kind of love you right now more than I should! You know, in a 'play-for-the-other-team' way! Look at this card....I can't even talk! Wicked!