Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Little Red Wagon - Nesties!

It was a challenge from Carolyn to use nesties and so I remembered a little tutorial I was dying to try it! You can check it out over here at the amazing Heidi Van Laar's blog.
Also, I am truly using products out of my wagon. For example... I bought these back in 1972 and never used them... until now!


And so here is my card using my old products and and a new technique!


Now head over to Little Red Wagon and check it all out!!


Anonymous said...

That is so so funny!! I have those to and have never used them..You did a fantastic job on this card!!

Avril Tanner said...

Gorgeous Card Dee! And considering I was born in 1970... I am not even sure you were alive to purchase them back then! LOL!

Rosanne said...

1972 eh?! Great card, I love the stars!

Angie Tieman said...

Oooh, totally adorable card! Looks so new and fresh! 1972?! I think not or I need to know the name of your plastic surgeon!

Steph said...

Great card! Those stars are so cool. Chdecking out that tutorial right now.

MaryAnn said...

never mind them Dee, I have them too and only used them once...but I think I got mine in 2003. I love your card so maybe I know how to use them now too!

Ashley Cannon Newell said...

This is such an awesome card! I love how it turned out.

Tracey said...

Way to pull out the old abandoned product Dee! Those stars and this card rocks!!

Carolyn Wolff said...

Ok, you told me that your card sucked! I love it. I saw this tutorial and I want to try it too. Nice job with the product, I might have some of that laying around.

Courtney Baker said...

That is way cool. I so need to do that!

farmhouse-story said...

Love the stars! Sweet card, Dee!

Julie Cameron said...

the product may be old but it is waaayy cute! Great job with the stars....

Anonymous said...

This is SO aweseome! Your stars are the the bold patterns on them! Way to keep that old product looking fresh too!

(-: Heidi

Joanne said...

Totally adorable! I love the stars!

Anonymous said...

OMFG...this one is wicked girlfriend!

Maria Fiscella said...

Could those stars be any more adorable?!? Love this!

Linda Beeson said...

Oh so adorable! I saw that on Heidi's blog, love how your turned out.